Shop Smart!

Swap and Shop items with other departments

Shop Smart!

Sustainable procurement takes into account the impact your purchasing decisions can make. Some factors to consider:  Initial cost, quality, durability, maintenance costs, depreciation, disposal fees.

Here are some ways to reduce your impact as a college department

  1. Check before buying something!
    • Surplus Purchasing - EvCC's surplus items are available for sale at a lower prices.
    • Space Management - See what other departments may not need anymore, reuse!
    • EvCC Daily Digest Call Out - Employee's can ask for help or share announcements through the digest email. 
    • Swap and Shop - Annual event at Earth Week, campus supplies, furniture swapping. 
  2. Keep an inventory sheet with Min/Max quantities
    • Prevents over-buying, shortages
    • Allows for large, bulk orders to be placed, reducing the carbon footprint for the delivery of the products
  3. Select sustainable choices from Office Depot External Site Link