Campus Account

Upon applying to Everett Community College, you are provided a ctcLink ID, an email account, and a campus network account.

Campus Account Username

Also known as your "EvCC Account", "Network Login", or "Computer Network Account", this is the username to be used to login to MyEvCC, Canvas, Rydin Parking Online, and Campus Labs. In addition, if you are a currently registered/enrolled student, this account also gives you access to our PC and Mac labs on campus

Username = The first initial of your first name + your middle initial (or an "x", if you did not register with a middle initial) + your full last name
Example = John T Doe, the username will be jtdoe
Example =
Jane Roe (no middle name), the username will be jxroe

Still having issues finding your username? Login to MyAccount to view your username and email address.

Student Email Address