Five Ways to Leverage Your Local College

John Bonnerby John Bonner, Vice President, Corporate & Workforce Training, Everett Community College

There is often a perceived disconnect between higher education and employers, but the need to work together to address the growing skills gap is more urgent than ever. Here are five simple ways an employer can work productively with their local college and avoid false starts.

Start now, not later 

Even if you do not have an urgent need at the moment, take time to reach out to your local community college to understand what they have to offer. Many community colleges have skilled workers ready for hire, access to funding to pay for training, and professional development programs designed for industry employees. Start small by discussing coordination and communication to better benefit from what the college is already offering. Contact your college’s business and industry liaison to schedule an exploratory meeting.

Expect quality

For corporate training, be explicit as to your expectations. Do the college’s trainings align with recognized industry standards? Can they provide references of employers that speak positively of the college’s responsiveness, quality of service, and trainers? Does the college ask to work with you and your management team to tailor the training to achieve your company’s goals and ensure a strong ROI?

Communicate your win, and listen to theirs

Your time, expertise, and resources are limited. The same is true for your local college. Be sure to share the full picture of what you would like to gain from a training or project. Also ask your college: "How would you define success for this project partnership?" and "What industry-side conditions must be met to launch a new program or expand an existing one?"

Think strategically, not tactically

Chances are your local college desires a productive working relationship with you and would embrace an opportunity to work together as partners in meeting your workforce needs. Move away from considering the college as a vendor. Consider scheduling a meeting with college executives to discuss mutual goals and how to build together a long-term relationship based on trust and accountability. If your company's needs span multiple locations or require several colleges, be sure to leverage the Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, which is a state-wide resource hosted at EvCC.

Reward quality

If your local college makes a difference for your company, reward them! Colleges benefit when you:

  • Give public credit for good work
  • Hire the interns and graduates they helped train for your industry
  • Contribute your expertise to help keep their training programs cutting edge
  • Include them in your corporate giving strategy
  • Connect all of the above into an intentional engagement strategy with your college

Find out how EvCC's Corporate & Workforce Training division can work with your business.

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