Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering and Computer Science at EvCC

engineering bridge test

With one of the largest community college engineering programs in the state, EvCC offers students many benefits including:

  • The most 200 level engineering and CS classes offered at any Washington state community college (Including many that transfer as Junior courses)
  • Many engineering classes are offered every quarter (Fall through Spring) so you can easily plan your schedule
  • Engineering and CS class options that can fit any schedule.  We offer morning and afternoon classes as well as online programs.
  • Hands-on experiences in lab facilities that rival most 4-year Universities. 

Existing Students:
Are you looking for a local Internship?  Now is the time to apply.  For more information and a list of local internships in Engineering and Computer Science visit our internships page. (Currently on hold due to Covid-19)

Websites at common transfer institutions