AMTEC Internships

About the Internship Program

Everett Community College offers the opportunity to gain valuable industry experience to complement skills learned in AMTEC through an internship experience. An internship is 50-250 clock hours in which students focus on the fundamental shop skills required to work in a manufacturing company.  Students may work either in an instructional/ hands-on or solely hands on mode.  This experience may entail “job-shadowing" to learn what support functions are needed in the manufacturing environment.

Need help getting started?

Employment facilitators in AMTEC can help you prepare for your internship by locating internships, assisting with your resume, and helping you apply. Once you have secured an internship, please talk with your advisor about adding the internship class to receive credit toward your ATA degree. Internship classes (MFG T 171 or 171 and WELD 295 or 297) are offered with instructor permission. If you have any questions about the internship program, feel free to stop by AMTEC 115 for assistance with getting started.

What if I am an employer?

If you are an employer interested in hosting an intern in machining, composites, welding, mechatronics, engineering technology, or other manufacturing position, please contact Herman Calzadillas, Employment Solutions Manager at or 425-267-0165.

Most of our employers pay their interns similar to an entry level wage in that position. If you have a mechatronics internship opportunity, please ask us about the employer reimbursement program offered through the MechaWA/TechHire grant.


Student Internship Handbook