Program Map for Speech Communications

The Speech Communications map is designed around students completing their AAS-DTA in two years by taking 15 credits each quarter. However, it is very easy to go at a slower pace if desired. Students simply progress through the recommended quarter-by-quarter classes at the rate which suits their schedule and needs. Students not quite college ready in math or English will also find it easy to add in the need pre-college classes while they take other classes in their first two quarters. This is a very flexible AAS-DTA and almost all courses are offered every quarter including summers.

Faculty advisors for the Speech Communications are listed below.  If you have been assigned an advisor please work with them, otherwise you can choose either Jo-Ann Sickles, jsickles@everettcc.eduor Mark Murphy,


Notes on using this map:

* indicates an elective course that is recommended but not required and could be substituted with another appropriate course. For example, ENGL& 102* on a map means that ENGL& 102* is recommended, but any 5-credit course from the Basic Communication Skills list on the DTA would also be acceptable.
indicates a pre-requisite relationship. For example, MATH&141→ MATH&142 on a map indicates that a student must pass MATH& 141 before taking MATH& 142

(F, W, Sp, Su) indicates the quarters in which a course is offered, if not offered every quarter. For example, ART 116 (W) means that ART 116 is only offered during Winter quarters

TS stands for Transitional Studies. Courses taken through the Transitional Studies department do not qualify for financial aid but cost only $25 per quarter. To see if you qualify, contact the Advising Center at or 425-388-9339.

& as part of a course number (e.g. ACCT& 202) indicates that the course is part of the Common Course Numbering System

D as part of a course number (e.g. ENGL& 102D) indicates that the course fulfills the Diversity Course requirement for the AAS-DTA degree

Star icon This icon is used for course requirements.

 The learning objectives of this course are the foundation of future courses in this pathway. Success in critical courses positions you to be successful in later courses in this pathway.

Talk bubble iconThis icon is used for mandatory or recommended actions related to advising.

 Breaking Ground on Your Pathway

Welcome to Communication Studies! As a field, Communication Studies is made up of over 30 interest and specialty areas ranging from public discourse to health care communication, business and organizational communication to non-profit leadership. We HIGHLY VALUE diversity in people and in areas of interest and specialization.  Students may choose to keep a general focus and choose a more specialized curriculum at their transfer university or choose an area to explore now. Before you can take your college-level courses, you may need to complete prerequisites.

Talk bubble iconSee an entry advisor for mandatory entry advising at the Advising Center located in RAI 108 (or Zoom)to decide on your first quarter courses.

See your advisor for self-paced or accelerated alternatives in Math and English to prepare for college-level classes. Want to move further faster? Learn about EvCC's I-BEST classes. 

Star icon Prepare for college-level math

If your math placement is below MATH& 107, you’ll need to take the following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:

  • TS 60 → TS 70 → MATH/TS 76 → MATH/TS 86 

Star icon Prepare for college-level English

If your English placement is below ENGL& 101, you’ll need to take following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:


Note: English language learners may need additional courses before ENGL/TS/AEP 97 depending on their placement. 

Star icon Take COLL 101 - College Success in your first quarter to prepare for the pace and rigor of college. By taking this course as a pre-quarter class students may be able to take a full 15-credit load in their first quarter rather than only 12. This gives students the most options and will keep them on track for graduating in 2 years if they follow 15 credits for 6 consecutive quarters.

Talk bubble iconBefore registering each quarter, check your Degree Planner to see what classes you should take to stay on track.  See your faculty program advisor with any questions you have.

Faculty Program Advisors:
Jo-Ann Sickles
Mark S. Murphy

Recommended Actions 

 Foundations for Your Pathway

Any of the following courses will be an excellent choice for full or part-time students in their first two quarters at EvCC. These courses will give students a good introduction to many theories related to communication studies and prepares a good general education foundation. Students can be confident that all of these courses will combine toward their DTA seamlessly. These classes can be taken in any quarter, but make a good foundation in quarters 1, 2 or 3. The courses listed below may be taken in any order assuming that the student is college ready. 

One other factor which will likely impact course choice is that the majority of students completing a SPEECHcomm DTA will also need to continue on to complete a four-year BA or BS in Communication to make full use of their education. Nearly all universities require communication students to complete 3 quarters (or 3 years in HS) of a world language (some do not accept ASL)

Star icon Take CMST& 102 - Introduction to Mass Media (This class transfers to program-specific work at Washington State University Everett’s Integrated Communication program (WSU-ISC))
Star icon Take  CMST& 210 - Interpersonal Communication  
Star icon Take CMST& 220 - Public Speaking  
Star icon Take CMST& 230 - Small Group Communication or HUM& 101 - Introduction to Humanities
Star icon Take ENGL& 101 - English Composition I  (This class transfers to program-specific work at Washington State University Everett’s Integrated Communication program (WSU-ISC)) 
Star icon Take one of the following courses to meet the Basic Quantitative Skills requirement:

  • MATH& 107 - Math in Society 
  • MATH& 146 - Introduction to Statistics

Note: UW and WSU-ISC program do not have a preference between the two. However, students in certain specializations, other transfer universities or planning to continue on to graduate school may need to take MATH& 146. The JOURNcomm program leans toward MATH& 146 but is most concerned with the teacher-student fit

Star icon Any of the following would be appropriate courses for you to reach the completion of your first 45 credits at EvCC:

  • SOC& 101 - Introduction to Sociology
  • PSYC& 100 - General Psychology 
  • PHOTO 110 - Photography I: Basic Elements
  • BUS& 101 - Introduction to Business
  • HUM 195/196 - Honors Seminar and Symposium
  • NUTR & 101 - Nutrition
  • ENVS& 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science: with Lab
  • JOURN 101 - Introduction to Journalism, JOURN 110 - Media Writing or JOURN 111 - Multimedia Journalism
  • World Language Class

Recommended Actions

Talk bubble iconCheck back in with your faculty program advisor to discuss the many areas of specialization in Communications. Identify which specialty areas you are interested in and those which best match your career aspirations. This choice will help direct you into third quarter and and year two course choices

  • If you haven't already, join a club that aligns with your interest.
  • If you received a B or higher in ENGL& 101, consider applying for the Honors Program.

 Framing Your Pathway

Complete specific degree requirements and begin preparing for graduation and transfer. If you change to another program in this phase, some credits earned may not apply to your new program.

Star icon Take CMST 204D - Intercultural Communication. (This class transfers to program-specific work at Washington State University Everett’s Integrated Communication program (WSU-ISC)
Star icon Take another Communication Studies class that you haven’t already taken before your final quarter
Star icon Take a Natural Science lab course. The following courses are recommended:

  • A nutrition course
  • ENVS& 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science: with Lab 
  • GEOG 205 - Physical Geography

Star icon Take Humanities courses to complete your requirements for your DTA. In addition to the required course (CMST 204D) listed above, take an additional 10 credits from this recommended list:

  • ART 110 – Design 1
  • DRMA& 101 – Intro to Theatre
  • HUM 110D - Introduction to American Cultural Studies 
  • HUM 247D - Introduction to World Religions 
  • HUM 248 - Women, Religion and Society
  • HUM 195 & 196 - Honors Symposium
  • HIST 170D - Multicultural American History
  • JOURN 101 – Intro to Journalism
  • JOURN 110 – Media writing
  • JOURN 111 – Multimedia Journalism
  • PHIL& 115 - Critical Thinking 
  • PHIL 215 - Ethics
  • PHIL& 101 - Introduction to Philosophy 
  • PHOTO 110 Intro to Digital Photography
  • World Language course to meet university requirement for Language
  • Any English Literature

Star icon Take Social Science courses to complete your requirements for your DTA. In addition to the required course (CMST& 230 - Small Group Communication) listed in Phase two, take an additional 10 credits from this recommended list:

  • GEOG 101 – Intro to Geography
  • GEOG 102D – World Regional Geography
  • PSYC& 100 - General Psychology
  • SOC& 101 – Intro to Sociology
  • SOC 170D - Introduction to Power and Privilege 
  • ANTH 116D - Cultures in Context
  • ANTH& 234D - Religion and Culture

Star icon Recommended Electives

  • Any CMST course not yet taken
  • In addition, be sure you have taken a minimum of 2 years of a High School World Language to transfer to a university (3 years of High School world language or 3 quarters at EvCC is ideal)
  • PSYC 240 - Social Psychology
  • SOC 233 - Sociology of Nonviolence
  • SOC 248 - Women, Religion, and Society

NOTE: All of the above apply for the Integrative Strategic Communications for transfer to WSU, Everett DTA, but also adds in:

  • GRAPH 110 – Digital Design Tools and Visual Communications
  • GRAPH 113 - Graphic Design and Typography
  • JOURN 170 - Student News Media

Star icon Complete One Class in Performance: music, theater, creative writing, photography, art, or journalism.
Star icon Language Courses: Students who have not completed 3 years of HS foreign language should be sure to complete at least 2 quarters of consecutive language classes. Starting a language series in Fall quarter, students have the most opportunity and options to complete before graduation)

Recommended Actions

Talk bubble iconCheck back in with your faculty program advisor to make sure all degree requirements are met. Be certain that you are on track to finish the required course in Humanities, Social Science and Natural Science categories.

  • Applying to Universities: Most Speech communication majors plan to transfer to a university. Transfer students need to apply to the UW and WSU in December or January for Fall admission. We highly recommend that you begin the application process as early in fall quarter as possible. You can save your work and finish it as needed but this will give you the most time to complete the application and request documents and letters of recommendation before the application deadlines.

 Finishing Your Pathway

Complete all remaining degree/certificate requirements before you graduate and transfer. 

Star icon Take additional Electives and General Education courses to meet the requirements of the DTA 
Star icon Complete electives to reach 90 credits

Apply for graduation at least one quarter in advance.