Voices of EvCC - Betty Morrow

Betty Morrow A long-time faculty member of the EvCC Adult Basic Education Department, Betty Morrow, now retired for over 20 years and still very active in the Everett community, was instrumental in starting the Adult Literacy Program in 1984. 

Betty was able to recruit 60 volunteer tutors in the program’s first quarter. As word of the successful Adult Literacy Program spread, it grew into a community-wide effort known as the Snohomish County Literacy Coalition, reaching lives across the county – in libraries, community halls, and living rooms - wherever students and their volunteer tutors could meet. 

Betty shares two heartwarming stories that were particularly memorable for her. Listen to the story of a tough young man who hated reading, was unemployable and ended up changing his life. Listen to that story (3.06). Audio Icon 

The Volunteer Literacy Program is still going strong on the EvCC campus.  The Literacy Center can be found in Rainier 205. 

Betty told her own story on March 23, 2010.  Listen to her entire story. Audio Icon