How to Apply for Running Start

Application Priority Deadlines

Applications submitted by the dates below will be given priority for processing and registration. Students may still apply after the priority processing deadline. We process applications on a quarterly basis.

  • Fall Quarter – May 1      
  • Winter Quarter – October 16
  • Spring Quarter – February 12

Application Process 

STEP 1: New EvCC Student - Submit the EvCC Running Start online application.

View our step-by-step How to Apply to the EvCC Running Start Program guide (Google Slides).

  • Select Everett Community College as your intended college. 
  • Select Running Start student. 
  • Select Academic or Professional-Technical as your intended program. It is okay if you are not intending to seek a degree from EvCC. This will ensure you are assigned a faculty advisor while you are an EvCC student. 
  • Select your intended start term (quarter). Only select Summer if you plan to take Summer classes before the Fall quarter. Running Start only funds tuition for Fall, Winter, and Spring (quarters).
  • Select your intended sub-plan or Undecided
  • If applicable, select a degree or certificate and a focus area.

The high school information section of the online application. 

  • Search for your high school by typing the name. Make sure the County, State, and City information match your high school's. Once you select your high school, the address information will auto-populate. 
  • For attendance dates, you will need to indicate the attended from date at the high school (ex. September 1 is recommended), and the attended to date will be the date you graduate from high school (ex. June 30, 2025). 
  • Select your current high school grade as your high school completion status. If you are a high school senior, you will select High School Diploma. The online application does not have an option for 12th grade, so you MUST select High School Diploma if you are a current 12th-grade student. 

Once your Running Start application is processed, you will receive an email with your ctcLink student ID number and next steps on completing placement. 

STEP 2: Submit the EvCC Placement Form
EvCC Running Start students must have placement in English and Math. However, it does not have to be college-level (100 level and above) placement. 

You will need a copy of your high school transcript for placement evaluation. If you are applying for the Fall quarter, you will also need a copy of your school progress report card or letter from your high school Math instructor indicating your current second-semester grade.

Get a copy of your transcript and attach it to the EvCC Placement Form for evaluation. 

If you have met our placement requirements, you will receive an email informing you that you have been admitted to the EvCC Running Start program and your next steps for completing the enrollment process. If you do not meet our placement requirements, you will receive an email asking you for additional documentation for placement.

Enrollment and Registration

Upon admission to the Running Start program at EvCC, there are enrollment steps that need to be completed.

STEP 1: Meet with your high school counselor.

  • Make an appointment to meet with your high school counselor to complete the Running Start Enrollment Verification Form. This form must be completed prior to meeting with an EvCC Entry Advisor. The form will need to be submitted every quarter for registration. You will turn in this form via email to If you're emailing the form and don't have access to a scanner, make sure to take a clear picture from above the document so that we can read everything clearly when we print it out. The form must be submitted at least a week before class registration.

STEP 3: Complete mandatory Entry Advising.

  • All students must meet with an Entry Advisor regardless of their class registration intent. Students must have completed their placement prior to meeting with an Entry Advisor.
  • Drop-in entry advising can be done in person or online with the Advising Center.

STEP 4: Register for classes online.