Anthropology Outcomes

The Anthropology Department supports the college's Core Learning Outcomes, as well as promoting the following general social sciences outcomes and program-specific outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of facts, terminology, events, and/or methods that social scientists in various disciplines must possess in order to investigate, analyze or give a history of, or predict human, group, or societal behavior.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to apply classifications, principles, generalizations, theories, models, and/or structures pertinent to social scientific efforts to organize conceptual knowledge in various fields.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to reach conclusions/make arguments across a range of social science topics that are tied to a defensible sifting of appropriate evidence relative to the questions involved.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding and recognition of the diversity of perspectives, cultural understandings, and ways of thinking that others bring to bear on social science questions.

Anthropology Program-Specific Outcomes:

  1. Students learn how to collect information from different types of written sources.
  2. Students present a synthesis of the data they collect in the form of written and/or oral presentations.
  3. Students incorporate a cultural relativistic perspective into all course work.
  4. Students demonstrate how the biocultural model is integral to understanding the world from a holistic perspective.
  5. Students analyze the human condition both in a historical context and from the stance as a global citizen.