Political Science

How and why do we engage politics today? What is a liberal or conservative anyway? What issues matter to you and where do you begin? Why do you need to vote? ...other than because Steve says so.

Political science opens the way for numerous employment possibilities in the public or private sector in the United States, as well as abroad.  Since political science students have a broad-based general education, they may be attractive to employers in business, as well as government.

An undergraduate degree in political science may also be a stepping stone to advanced degrees and employment in such areas as law, public administration, or higher education.  For instance, advanced degrees in political science may lead to teaching careers in two and four-year colleges or university settings. Moreover, students may elect to combine political science with related fields, such as economics, journalism, communications, in order to customize programs according to their own interests.  This would be the case for a student who wishes to teach government at the junior high school or high school level, but would need to complete education courses in addition to political science courses.

Political Science Resources
The American Political Science Association offers a wealth of information on a variety of topics, including the following:
Political Science: An Ideal Liberal Arts Major
Majoring in Political Science
Career Sectors for Political Science