Employee Recognition

EvCC encourages recognition of it's employees who make extra efforts beyond their regular job duties.  Managers will find great ideas using the tips for recognition.   All employees can participate on the Wall of Thanks where they can express appreciation for each other.

EvCC Employees, Send a Note of Thanks! Lock

EvCC employees receiving recent thanks:

Lynne Muñoz
Motivating others Award logo
Motivating others Award
Alisa Ueland
Superior skills and ability Award logo
Superior skills and ability Award
Manfred Ehrlich
Consistent quality work Award logo
Consistent quality work Award
Schuyler Knoblich
Extra-mile effort Award logo
Extra-mile effort Award
TRIO - Student Support Services Program
Thinking ahead Award logo
Thinking ahead Award
Robyn Kibby
Supportive Award logo
Supportive Award
Lyudmyla Orekhova
Supportive Award logo
Supportive Award
Yang Yu
Extra-mile effort Award logo
Extra-mile effort Award
Stephanie Coxon
Extra-mile effort Award logo
Extra-mile effort Award
Eugene McAvoy
Superior skills and ability Award logo
Superior skills and ability Award
Amanda Campbell
Strong leadership Award logo
Strong leadership Award
Adam Guffey
Extra-mile effort Award logo
Extra-mile effort Award
Ronda Hansen
Supportive Award logo
Supportive Award
Cassandra Denn
Always expecting to succeed Award logo
Always expecting to succeed Award
Klara Lawson
For making the commitment Award logo
For making the commitment Award
Amy Johnson
A winning attitude Award logo
A winning attitude Award
John Fischer
Supportive Award logo
Supportive Award
Nancy Kolosseus
Supportive Award logo
Supportive Award
Winnie Corral-Peña
For making the commitment Award logo
For making the commitment Award
Colston Warne
Extra-mile effort Award logo
Extra-mile effort Award