Alumni Spotlight - Krissy Swanson

Krissy Swanson, Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que

Krissy Swanson began with Running Start at EvCC, eventually obtaining her associates degree in elementary education. "The learning environment at EvCC helped me feel supported through two pregnancies and being a young mom," she says. Today, you'll find her working at Everett's Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que doing everything from hosting, serving, and catering to marketing and event coordinating. Krissy has also returned to EvCC to obtain a certificate in early childhood education. "EvCC helped me learn about the importance of community and resources," she says. "The overall experience helped me feel empowered. Now, through setting up charity events for Famous Dave's, I have the opportunity to give back to the resources that made such a great difference in my life."

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC because I had the opportunity to do a few Running Start classes and had a good experience there--and it was local.

I graduated in 2008 with an associates in elementary education. Since then, I have returned and started working on an early childhood education certificate. However, I am currently taking a break to focus on home and work.

EvCC helped me learn about the importance of community and resources, I felt supported through two pregnancies and being a young mom. I got involved with the on campus childcare EVCC Early Learning center where I was able to learn with my children about being happy and healthy as a family and we built friendships.

Being a part of the Teachers of Tomorrow club helped me feel involved and the overall experience helped me feel empowered. One of the classes that really left an impression on me was a reading and study skills intro to college course taught by Jill. She was personable and had us call her by her first name--it made me feel more confident and comfortable to open up and offer input into classroom discussions. She had us work on a project called a vision board and a bucket list to think about our goals. Those projects still hang on my wall as a daily reminder of who I want to become and how I want to spend my life.

I am excited to continue my educational journey and I plan on taking more courses at EvCC. I have worked for Famous Dave's BBQ of Everett for almost five years as a host, server, caterer, and bartender and I just started doing local marketing and event coordinating. Through setting up charity events for Famous Dave's, I now have the opportunity to give back to the resources that made such a great difference in my life. I also work at Emory's on Silverlake which is a lot of fun and has a beautiful view!

Alumni ad published 3/31/2013