Alumni Spotlight - Tyler Ambrose

Tyler Ambrose was initially motivated to consider EvCC because of his interest in track activities. He also was drawn by the services available through the Center for Disability Services. “I did not have a set career goal in mind,” he says. “But taking the Career and Life Planning course helped me focus on my interest in sports and forestry as potential career paths.” Later, after joining the Students for Environmental Action club, Tyler’s passion for wilderness preservation led him to a job with Washington Conservation Corps, where he works to restore wildlands and parks, along with public forest trails. “At EvCC, I was encouraged to push past my comfort level and develop my organizational skills,” he recalls. “I would advise current students to utilize the tutoring that’s available and join clubs to develop your interests.”

What is your current occupation/career?

Currently, I’m working for Washington Conservation Corps doing wildlands restoration and parks and public forest trail maintenance. 

How did you choose EvCC?

I was motivated to consider Everett Community College by my interest in continuing my track activities. A fellow track athlete and EvCC graduate recommended the college to me. Another deciding factor were the services available to me through the Center for Disability Services department.

Do you think your time at EvCC helped you pursue your current career?

Initially, I did not have a set career goal in mind when I began college. Taking the Career and Life Planning course (H DEV 110) helped me focus on my interests in sports and forestry as potential career paths. Later, after joining the Students for Environmental Action Club, I began to focus more on wilderness preservation which led to my job with the Washington Conservation Corps.

Was there anyone during your time at EvCC who acted as a mentor for you?

Academically, I would say that Dr. Cynthia Clark help me develop my research and citation skills for writing academic papers. I took her ANTH 115 Our Place in Nature course and found her to be willing to spend the time with me to improve the quality of my work.

From a leadership standpoint I believe that Laura Wild encouraged me to push past my comfort level while participating in the Students for Environmental Action Club. While I am personally organized in my academic and work, she helped me develop my organizational skills in working with groups of people.

What words of advice would you give to current EvCC students?

Show up to class on time. Take advantage of professor’s office hours to help improve your work. Utilize English and math tutoring. Use a homework calendar to schedule your time to meet homework deadlines. Join clubs to develop nonacademic interests.