Alumni Spotlight - Wendy Williams-Gilbert

Wendy Williams-Gilbert is a prime example of EvCC's tagline, "Stay Close...Go Far." She began her prolific nursing career by attending the EvCC nursing program, having heard about the great quality of instructors and the close proximity to her home. "I believe that EvCC really created an environment of inquiry," she says. "Through the various instructors and clinical experiences, I got to see the huge world that was nursing." Wendy went on to work in a variety of critical access hospitals, as well as Naval Station Everett, and also taught in Mississippi, Alabama, and Washington. "My teaching, research, and scholarship all started from seeds planted at EvCC," she observes. "EvCC has so many opportunities for both academic and personal growth."

What is your current occupation/career?

I am a Clinical Associate Professor at WSU College of Nursing.

How did you choose EvCC? Was there a selection process involved in your decision making?

When I was looking at going to nursing school, I was living on the Highway 2 corridor. I talked with several peers who were nurses and they said that EvCC was really good quality. I also heard they produced really good nurses!

Do you think your time at EvCC helped you pursue your current career?

Yes, I believe that EvCC really created an environment of inquiry. Through the various instructors and clinical experiences, I got to see the huge world that was nursing. I was introduced to the Washington State Nurses Association and had my first taste of policy and legislative work. In addition, I knew I could move straight to my BSN and met several faculty from UW Bothell who encouraged me to apply.

What did you do after you left or graduated from EvCC?

When I left EvCC, I started working at Valley General Hospital in Monroe while I was finishing my BSN at UW Bothell. My career has taken me places I never would have dreamed, but it all started at EvCC. I have worked in the hospital setting for Naval Station Everett, taught in Mississippi, Alabama and in Washington, worked in a variety of critical access hospitals, and most recently worked with opioid use disorder. My teaching, research and scholarship all started from seeds planted at EvCC.

Was there anyone during your time at EvCC who acted as a mentor for you?

Patty Black was the dean when I was there. She was a huge influence in my life. She believed and told me I could do anything I wanted in nursing. She challenged me to “change the face of nursing." This has always stuck with me: that I can do anything in my career I put my mind to.

What words of advice would you give to current EvCC students?

Enjoy your time at EvCC--it goes quick! Get involved in student groups and activities. EvCC has so many opportunities for both academic and personal growth; take advantage of everything you can.  

Any other information you would like to provide?

I have fond memories of EvCC--it was a great place to learn and spread my wings. I think it’s a great place for anyone to begin their healthcare journey.