
Biology Program

The Biology program offers courses to meet the needs of three groups of students: science transfer/pre-medicine students, health occupations transfer students, and students who are not majoring in the sciences, but who need science courses for graduation.

BIOL& 221 (Majors Ecology/Evolution) is the entry course for most science transfer students. Completion of BIOL& 222 and BIOL& 223 will then allow transfer with a complete year of biology credit, and will lead to an Associate of Arts and Sciences or an Associate of Science degree.  BIOL& 211 (Majors Cellular) is the entry course for most health occupations transfer students.  Most health occupations students take BIOL& 231, BIOL& 232 and BIOL& 260. Students interested in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy should consult the Biology flow chart Acrobat PDF Reader Icon and meet with an advisor to determine the appropriate course sequence.

Non-major courses offered by the Biology Department are BIOL& 100, BIOL 105, BIOL 106, BIOL 107, BIOL 130, BIOL 147, BIOL& 170, and BIOL& 175; BOT 113 and BOT 115D; and Environmental Studies ENVS& 100, ENVS& 101 and ENV S 167.

Detailed curriculum guides are available on the College website and on campus for a dozen different majors relating to the biological sciences. It is strongly suggested that students with a science major meet with a science faculty member prior to the first quarter of registration.

Degree Options

The Associate of Science degree requires that the student complete all freshman and sophomore math and science courses and a limited number of courses in English, Humanities and Social Science. Upon transfer, the student will be eligible for junior level science courses, but will need to complete the remaining distribution requirements before graduation with a baccalaureate degree.

The Associate of Arts and Sciences - Direct Transfer (DTA) degree enables the student to complete basic distribution requirements in Math, English, Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences, and to begin the major course of study. However, the student will have to take additional freshman and sophomore level science courses at the university before being eligible for junior level courses in a science major.

Career Options

Students pursuing an undergraduate (baccalaureate) degree in Biology have a broad variety of career options. They may eventually work in field or laboratory research or consulting, teach secondary level biology, pursue further academic work in the biological sciences (masters or doctorate degree), or enter medical, dental or veterinary school.

Suggested Preparation

To begin college study in the biological sciences, students should have solid writing and communication skills, a strong algebra background, and high school courses in biology, chemistry and physics. Students who do not have that background may gain it at the community college level before starting the courses that will count toward their degree.

During the first two years of college study, students should develop a strong background in English (two quarters), Math (calculus and statistics) and Chemistry (one year inorganic and one year organic), as well as a year of introductory Biology. Most transfer institutions will also require two to three quarters of college level foreign language or three years of high school foreign language. For specific requirements in your area of interest or for the school to which you wish to transfer, it is strongly recommended that you contact an EvCC biology advisor and contact the transfer institution.

Faculty Advisors

Links to common transfer institutions