Phi Theta Kappa EvCC Chapter

What is PTK?

Phi Theta Kappa is a nationally-recognized honor society whose purpose is to help students reach their full potential. PTK provides students with opportunities to positively impact local campuses and communities, as well as work alongside inspiring, like-minded students. A PTK membership is a strong, community-driven foundation for students to build their academic, professional, and personal futures upon. 

Why should I join PTK?

Being a member of Phi Theta Kappa means more than just academic recognition. Obtaining a membership means access to unique opportunities and exclusive scholarships, with nearly $1 million in competitive earnings given out through PTK’s foundation. PTK is also great for the next steps in a student’s career, whether those steps involve a competitive job interview or a 4-year university application. 

How do I join PTK?

PTK is available to both virtual and in-person students, as all of the resources needed to join PTK are available remotely! To be eligible for membership, students need to have completed 12 or more college credits and have a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Once all those requirements are met, students will need to fill out an application for membership and pay the $80 membership fee.

Interested but still unsure about joining?

Please join our bi-weekly meetings (either in-person or via Zoom) to learn more about the club. Email for the meeting link. We look forward to meeting you!