Voices of EvCC - Brent Thompson

Brent ThompsonBrent is EvCC's Associated Student Body President for 2009-10. He returned to EvCC to continue his education after 20 years out of school. Since he was successful in his work, he thought he didn't need a college degree. 

After discovering a disability in 2003 and needing to change direction, his thinking changed. He discovered the importance of education, and he now works to inspire young people to realize that importance and pursue their education before they have children and other responsibilities.

Brent knows how difficult it can be to go back to college after time away, as he is a single parent of four children, ages 8 to 17. During difficult and sometimes overwhelming times, he learned how influential instructors can be in helping students stay on track and succeed.

After getting actively involved in student government at EvCC, school had a different feel for Brent. He got involved in ensuring that education is available to others. His educational goals changed. Initially, he planned to earn his BA degree in Business/Finance. Now, his long-term goal is to become a United States Senator, and he plans to run for local office.

In his interview, he talks about the support he's received from his instructors. Hear how they helped him reach his goals and discover new ones. (1.54). Audio Icon 

Brent was interviewed by EvCC Communications Coordinator Katherine Schiffner on March 17, 2010. Listen to his entire story. Audio Icon