Scholarships - Undocumented Students

As of July 25, 2021 a new state law (SB-5194) makes it easier to be a Washington resident for tuition and financial aid purposes. The law replaces HB 1079.  Contact your school’s Residency Office or Financial Aid Office for more information, or visit this page for details.

Important! For every academic year you plan to be in college you must submit a WASFA if you would like to receive financial assistance.

  • Everett Community College Foundation - Scholarships available annually.
  • Latino Educational Achievement Project  - (LEAP) - The Latino/a Educational Achievement Project (LEAP) was started in 1998 to improve academic achievement of Latino students. LEAP offers services such as an annual educational conference and legislative day, student leadership forums and public education workshops for parents, students, and educators. 
  • National Scholarships  - Educators for Fair Consideration provides a list of scholarships that don't require proof of U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency. Scholarships in this section are either open to students across the nation or have a broad geographic eligibility criteria. Check with EACH scholarship individually to find out the exact due date.