Study Abroad in Indonesia Program

EvCC student, Elizabeth Kennedy, visited a tea plantation during Study Abroad Indonesia 2014

Study Abroad in Indonesia - 2020

Travel to Indonesia with EvCC for a 14-day adventure (excluding travel time) in northern & central Bali, as well central Java. Experience service learning while studying abroad; earn 2 credits while exploring the cultural wonders of the Balinese cultures. In central Java (Yogjakarta/Surakarta area) visit the ancient temples of Borobudur and Prambanan. While in Surakarta, stroll the batik district and immerse yourself in the story of Java Man (Homo erectus).

Must be at least 18 years old at time of travel.


  • Late evening June 18, 2020 to July 5, 2020
  • These dates include time necessary for international travel.

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