EvCC Taking Action for Social Justice

Mayor Franklin issues directive on unity, equity, and addressing racism.

You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time. Angela Davis quote

EvCC is committed to advancing equity and social justice by transforming itself into a diverse, equitable, and inclusive working and learning environment.

This transformation requires culture change and a commitment to reflect, question, and change on multiple levels. It requires us to examine our own attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to an inequitable world. For EvCC, that includes critically reflecting upon current educational systems, challenging what has been deemed normal and acceptable, and envisioning a transformed institution.  

We have the power to change the world one thought, one belief, and one behavior at a time. The purpose of the Take Action page provides you a foundation for beginning a journey of transformation and to re-imagine a more equitable world.

Our Land and Labor Acknowledgements represent Everett Community College’s recognition and affirmation of central truths about our past that inform our collective responsibilities for transformative action now and in the future. The Land Acknowledgement recognizes the original caretakers of the land on which the college now resides. This formal statement, developed with the guidance of Tulalip tribal elders, follows indigenous protocol and acknowledges the relationship between the land and its people. The Labor Acknowledgement attests to the crucial role chattel slavery played in the economic development of our nation, as well as the transgenerational damage of slavery and its aftermath that continues to this day. In addition, the Labor Acknowledgement recognizes both our historical and ongoing dependence on and exploitation of immigrant and migrant labor. Our Land and Labor Acknowledgements are usually presented at the beginning of large gatherings and have also been used in syllabi, classrooms, meetings, and conferences.

Election Resources

Resources for students, faculty, and staff, including self care. 

Black Lives Matter Resources