Procedures in the Event of a Volcanic Eruption

Advance warning of eruption and ash fall

  1. Alert staff and students to prepare for evacuation if time permit
  2. Alert the Facilities/Maintenance Director (ext.9516) so heating, cooling, and ventilation systems can be turned off. Keep electricity on.
  3. Instruct staff and students to cover mouths and noses with handkerchiefs or some other article of clothing.
  4. Follow instructions for possible evacuation of college; Follow Evacuation Procedures.

If Time Does Not Permit Campus Closure or Class Dismissal

  1. Have all staff and students seek shelter inside the college facilities until initial fallout wanes.
  2. Advise staff to close windows and close all doors.
  3. Follow instructions for covering of mouths and noses with handkerchiefs or some other article of clothing.
  4. Facilities/Maintenance shuts off heating, cooling and ventilation systems. Electricity is to remain on.