Develop better solutions at a lower cost and in less time!

Theory of Inventive Problems Solving (TRIZ) courses are available in various locations throughout the country and online through the Corporate & Continuing Education Center. Classes are available in Oklahoma City, Charleston, Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, St. Louis, Everett, and online. Email if you are interested in seeing a class offered at your location.

Advantages of TRIZ      

  • Helps develop breakthrough concepts and ideas
  • Maximizes resources in order to develop better products at a lower cost
  • Less number of people involved and less time needed to develop an innovative solution to a problem
  • Increases efficiency and effectiveness of creative work
  • Read: Accelerate your innovation using TRIZ!

Course Options

Designing and Manufacturing Better Products Faster Using TRIZ (4.0 CEUs) 

Explore TRIZ Failure Analysis and the algorithm for resolving conflicts between product or process parameters while minimizing product changes and costs. Even the most difficult problems with contradictions involved could be routinely solved.

Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Actions Using TOP-TRIZ (4.0 CEUs)

TOP-TRIZ methodology helps to identify what actually happened, why it happened and then determine what improvements or changes are needed to eliminate the problem much faster than conventional methods.

Advanced Practice TRIZ Course (4.0 CEUs) 

TRIZ users: Gain advanced-level experience in applying TRIZ methods and confidence in working on real-life problems.

TRIZ Practitioner Course (4.0 CEUs) 

Gain advanced level experience in applying TRIZ methods and confidence while working on real-life problems.

TOP-TRIZ Update Course (1.3 CEUs)

Need a refresher on TOP-TRIZ content? Learn the latest developments of TOP-TRIZ so you can apply the latest methods with confidence.

Get started

  1. Find the class that you want to take using the links above
  2. Use the information provided at the links to register with a voucher  Contact Worklife service center at 866-473-2016 or via e-ticket for any LTP-related questions. Email or call 425-267-0150 if you have questions about registration or the program.